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0 hours 0 minutes 0 seconds

Interview Progress

For Proficiency
Pharmacy stage - (0 / 0)
Private room stage - (0 / 0)

Important Discoveries



Megan is a 32 year old white woman, who has come in to CVS today for more medication. Megan is forcefully asking for a refill in her anxiety medication.
Next Question Prediction

If you are still having trouble getting responses from Megan, click the button below to get a suggested next question to ask Megan

Trouble Geeting a Response from Megan?
  • Try starting with an open-ended question that begins with "Describe" or "Tell me"
  • Follow up with a close-ended question that begins with "Do you", "Have you", or "Did you"
  • Be sure your questions/responses are only one sentence and only focus on one topic at a time
  • Avoid using pronouns or vague terms
Avoiding Pronouns

Megan can respond to your questions better if you avoid using pronouns. Here are some pronoun replacements that will improve your experience

  • Him : Your friend
  • him : your doctor

By clicking the button below, you'll summarize to the patient, close, and then complete a differential diagnosis.

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